Matthew Fey, Creative Director

Matthew Fey, Creative Director

Catalog heroes rise up against democratic oppression

One voice, one vote?

Equality for all?

Democratic rule?

No more! Not here. Not now. Not ever.

Before you report me to Homeland Security or flood the comments decrying my fascist propaganda, let me explain. I’m not proposing a violent overthrow of the government. No, my revolutionary screed pertains specifically to catalogs.

Democracy works for countries. Not for catalogs. Between the borders of catalog covers, democracy is a stifling oppressive force that actually inhibits freedom, denying the products on the page their true potential.

For catalogs to succeed, you must abandon democracy. Because all products are not created equal. Nor are they treated equal. Nor should they be.

Viva la revolucion!

On a national level, democracy puts the power in the people’s hands to decide their fate, their future. Everyone gets a vote. Everyone gets a voice. Majority rules. But democracy in a catalog is another matter.

On the catalog page, democracy gives equal weight to every product. A democratic presentation ensures balance among all elements, but that equality punishes the products, the pages and the readers. That is why your catalog must rise up against the tyranny of this democracy.


I would never advocate for a forced, imposed class system in governing a country. However, this class system is vital for the success of your catalog. No more will your best sellers be condemned to share the same size and space as their low-performing countrymen. A hierarchy helps consumers navigate and process a page. Give your products a ranking – for example: A, B, C. Assign space according to that ranking.

Ideally, you would use a square-inch analysis (SQUINCH) to help determine what ranking to assign and how much space to allot products and categories. If you don’t have a SQUINCH, sales and demand will suffice. The key factor is not to line up all the products and place them on the page equally. Separate products into classes. Establish a hierarchy. Then enforce it.


Every revolution needs a hero. So does every catalog page. Heroes unite. They attract attention They compel action. They create stopping power. Give them the space they deserve, nay, they DEMAND! Heroes inspire the revolution against democratic pages and give them a rallying cry to encourage sales.

What makes a hero? Simple. Your best sellers. Your most unique or exclusive products. What are the items that reinforce your brand position, the ones people come to you to buy? What has the highest demand? The most attractive price points? All of these qualities make a hero.

A democratic catalog page stifles heroes, turning them into just another product, same as the rest. Lift your heroes from the despair of democracy. Give them space. Give them a platform from which to sell their features and benefits. Let them rule!


Slicing a catalog page into equal sections page after page after page of sameness dulls your readers’ senses. Equitable grid designs are fine, in moderation. They serve a purpose, but you should not build your entire catalog in such a democratic fashion.

Break out of these borders. Free your pages from templates. Vary the pacing to encourage readability, shopability and linger time. Nothing will push your readers into complacency quite like the repetition of design.

Readers need variety, excitement. Vary your design. Shake up the templates. As noted above, establishing a hierarchy and designating heroes will help break free from the chains of democratic design.

Let us end the tyranny of democracy in catalogs! Let us rise up against this stagnant oppression! It’s time for a revolution! Catalog heroes unite!

Are you ready to denounce democracy? To join Matt Fey’s catalog revolution, call 913-235-2414 or email

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