Job: Production Artist
Preferred title: Digital Doctor
Favorite thing about your job: The free coffee
When not working: Riding my scooter, photography
What I listen to: B.B King, LeVee Town, Nina Simone, John Prine
Words of wisdom: It’s never too late to learn
Favorite movie: The Godfather
Dream dinner guests: Leonardo daVinci, Stephen King, Nolan Ryan
Favorite vacation destination: Rocky Mountains
My passion is: doing things right

To Photoshop or not to Photoshop, that is the question.

Moses’ title with J. Schmid is no joke. It may be silly, but it’s not a joke. When you see him in action you’ll immediately understand why this self-taught production professional is so highly respected. He thrives in controlled chaos, with a motto that says it all: I like to see what’s in front of me, in work and in life.

His first job out of high school was in an automotive parts warehouse, where he memorized the thousands of products that the company carried. After pointing out a few auspicious errors in the line’s catalog, he was given a promotion and his own office.

His enthusiasm for learning has led to advancement and prominence in this digital design age. His passion for photography has him bridging the divide between digital and analog cameras. He leads one of the fastest growing photography groups in the KC metro, holding classes in composition, Rule of Thirds, how-to’s and photowalks. He has been cutting and splicing, pasting and rendering for J. Schmid since 2004.

When not in the office, you can find him exploring the town on his scooter. So, please, share the road.